Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Share & Voice: ECO Shop

Here you go ladies!  American Eagle Outfitters, one of my personal favorite clothing stores, has their own line of ECO-friendly clothes.  ECO-shirt started out as an ideas to do something different.  They took the most popular style of clothes and made them better by using certified organic and recycled materials.  By using these organic fibers, they help to support organic farmers, which uses non-petroleum based fertilizers and natural methods of pest and weed control.  These new methods are much more healthy for our planet and for us, who wear the clothes.  They use  water based inks that breathe better than the normal silk screen inks.  "ECO-Shirt...We believe the small choices that we make each day are the best ones that really matter, for each other and for this planet that we all share."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

So I had to change up my SMART goal a little bit...
  1. I will take my dogs to Hartley Nature Center for a 30-40 minute walk/run, 3 times during the week days.  It's been going good...tricky to work into my hectic school schedule.
  2. During the week there always seems to be too much going on & I become overwhelmed.  I wanted to take time for myself & to exercise my two puppies, especially because they're not as active as they need to be during the week (they're german short hairs- made to run and hunt).  My strategies have been to get up earlier and when I need a break from my overload of projects, to just get some fresh air and walk down to Hartley just down the block.
  3. It's a challenge to just make myself get up and outside.  That's why I chose this goal, because like my previous goal...once i'm out there & finish the walk...I feel like I have achieved something.  I'm more relaxed and can get my head focused again.
  4. I learned about patience and not to wait to do something.  I learned that I can yell very, very loud as well (darn dogs kept running away from me)!
  5. My plans for next week are to keep on going.  The three days during the week has been a good number, not too much & not too little.  The puppies love the snow & I still enjoy the outdoors w/o it being below zero.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

1. Focus Area 22:  Physical Activity

  • Goal: Improve health, fitness, and quality of life through daily physical activity.
  • Objective 22.2: Increase the proportion of adults who engage in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day 5 or more days per week or vigorous physical activity for at least 20 minutes per day 3 or more days per week.
  • Target of Objective: 32% of adults aged 18years and older engaged in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day or physical activity for at least 20 minutes per day in 1997

2. Objectives Continued:

  • In 2001, the language of objective 22.2 was changed after November 2000 publication to include adults who met the definition for vigorous physical activity.
  • Target revised from 30 because of baseline revision after November 2000 publication
  • Baseline revised from 15 after November 2000 publication
  • Target Method: Better than the best
  • Sponsor: Rep Altmire, Jason [PA-4] (introduced 6/4/2009)
  • Related Bills: H.RES.1373, S.RES.133, S.RES.515
  • Latest Major Action: 6/9/2009 Passed/Agreed to in House.  Status: On motion to suspend the ruled and agree to the resolution. Agreed to by voice vote.